562 Countryside Dr, Central Point, OR 97502, USA
Phone: 612-552-2155



buy nn dmt

DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) is a strong psychedelic drug, which means it can affect all the senses, altering a person’s thinking, sense of time and emotions. Psychedelics can cause a person to hallucinate, seeing or hearing things that do not exist or are distorted.

Dimethyltryptamine is structurally similar to psilocybin (magic mushrooms) and is known to produce short acting and intense visual hallucinations.

What does DMT look like?

Dimitri is found in a variety of plants and animals, and is the psychoactive ingredient in the drug ayahuasca. In ayahuasca, a plant containing DMT is boiled together with a plant containing a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) such as harmaline, and the mixture is drunk.

When produced synthetically DMT is a white crystalline powder.3

Other names

Dimitri, Deems The spirit molecule, Changa, Fantasia, the glory, the sacrament

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